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Empat Video Penganiayaan India Yang Disandera

Empat Video Penganiayaan India Yang Disandera
Empat Video Penganiayaan India Yang Disandera
Koran-Ndeso - Police in the eastern Indian state of Bihar have arrested four men for allegedly molesting a woman and uploading a video of the incident on social media.

The video shows seven men attacking the woman on a public road in Jahanabad district.

Police told the BBC that a manhunt had been launched to arrest the three others.

They added that the case was registered after the video went viral.

The video shows the men groping and abusing the woman as she pleads with them to let her go. Onlookers can be seen filming the incident but they don't intervene to help her.

Inspector General of Police Naiyar Hasnain Khan told BBC Hindi's Manish Shandilya that it was unclear if the incident happened on Saturday or Sunday.

He added that the woman in the video was yet to be identified.

"Kami telah mendaftarkan kasus suo moto (tanpa keluhan resmi dari pihak manapun) dan berusaha mencari korban untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak rincian tentang pelecehan yang dia alami," katanya.

Dia mengatakan orang-orang di distrik telah disarankan untuk tidak membagikan video di media sosial.

Penggelapan kekerasan seksual di India telah berkembang sejak pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan seorang mahasiswa tahun 2012 terhadap sebuah bus Delhi.

Namun serangan seksual yang keras terhadap perempuan dan anak-anak terus dilaporkan di seluruh negeri.

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